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River Drowning

River Drowning Attorney

An Experienced Drowning Lawyer Can Help Your Family

Rivers offer a place for fun and excitement as individuals enjoy kayaking, boating, swimming, and other activities. Rivers are unpredictable, with some currents holding enough force to wash individuals away or hold the body underwater. Each year, many individuals lose their lives in river drowning incidents, most of them in situations that appeared to be safe. The Doan Law Firm, P.C. has represented river drowning victims and their families across the United States. The firm's founder is a skilled drowning lawyer, has more than 15 years in the aquatic safety business. He and his team are dedicated to fighting for fair compensation for those injured or killed in river accidents.

Understanding River Accidents

Rivers can be both deceptively calm and shallow. Some individuals wade out into the waters only to realize the current is much stronger than they thought or that the river bottom is much deeper than anticipated. River hobbies including rafting, kayaking, canoeing, and others offer individuals thrills and excitements, but can easily turn deadly. Other drowning accidents occur when individuals assume an iced-over river can hold their weight, only to realize they were wrong when plunged into the freezing waters below the surface. Sadly, another common river drowning incident happens as a result of rescue attempts.

An individual may be swept into a river, so a friend or family member jumps in to save him or her. All too often, this leads to further deaths by drowning. Surviving family members may have recourse if, for example, a river rafting company failed to explain the risks involved with the activity, or, if a city failed to install a proper barrier or railing to keep residents from falling into a river. An experienced drowning attorney can help determine if any liability exists in a river drowning case.

Fight for Fair Compensation With a Drowning Attorney

If a loved one was involved in a river drowning incident, it can be an especially devastating and overwhelming time. A drowning lawyer from the firm can help ease some of that burden by reviewing your case, gathering evidence related to any liability present, and fighting for the maximum compensation possible. Attorney Jimmy Doan and his team offer clients the know-how of a large firm and the personal attention of a smaller firm that handles each case with enough time, care and compassion. Your case will be addressed with the highest level of professional skill.

A drowning lawyer is available to discuss your questions or concerns 24/7 - contact the firm to get the help you need.

Your Trusted Texas Drowning Attorney
2911 Turtle Creek Blvd. Suite 300
Dallas, TX 75219
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Request Your Consultation (800) 349-0000