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Pool Drains

Pool Drain Accident Attorneys

While seemingly harmless, pool drains can pose serious risks to swimmers. Children and adults alike can underestimate the suction power of these drains, which can lead to serious injury and even drowning. If a family member or friend has been involved in a pool drain accident, a drowning attorney at The Doan Law Firm, PLLC can help. Attorney Jimmy Doan has more than 15 years of experience in aquatic safety and injury claims. His team of legal professionals is dedicated to representing drowning and aquatic accident victims and their families across the United States.

If you have been injured as the result of a swimming pool drain accident caused by the negligence of someone else, the experienced legal team of The Doan Law Firm is here for you. Likewise, if you have lost a loved one in a wrongful death accident arising from an improperly maintained swimming pool drain, you can reach our firm any time of the day or night by calling us as (800) 349-0000.

We can schedule an initial consultation for you with an experienced, aquatic accident lawyer at any one of our 40 offices in the United States. We can also arrange an online case evaluation with you as well.

The Hidden Dangers of Swimming Pool Drains

While it may not seem like much of a threat at first glance, swimming pool drains can present serious risks to swimmers, often without those present being aware of the danger. In this blog post, the drowning accident lawyer team at The Doan Law Firm discusses the most commonplace hidden dangers of swimming pool drains:

  • Entrapment and entanglement
  • Lacerations and abrasions
  • Chemical injury
  • Fatigue and exhaustion
  • Electrical shock

Entrapment and Entanglement

One of the hidden dangers posed by swimming pool drains is entrapment or entanglement. Indeed, this is the stuff of a horror film. Swimmers become stuck in the powerful suction created by an inadequately protected drain. This horrific situation can cause them to become trapped underwater for extended periods of time. If a swimmer's hair or clothing becomes entangled in the drain cover, it can be even more difficult to break free from its grip.

Lacerations and Abrasions

Another hidden danger associated with swimming pool drains is lacerations and other abrasions caused by exposed edges on a damaged or missing drain cover. If these edges are sharp enough, they could easily cause cuts and scrapes that could lead to infection and potentially require medical treatment. This is why it is especially important for all pool owners to ensure that their pool has properly covered and maintained drains at all times.

Chemical Injury

In addition to entrapment and lacerations, another hidden danger posed by swimming pool drains is chemical injury. When water passes through an uncovered or broken drain, it creates turbulence which could potentially cause high concentrations of chemicals such as chlorine or bromine to be released into the water around the drain itself. In extreme cases, this could lead to skin irritation or even chemical burns on unprotected parts of the body that come into contact with these chemicals.

Fatigue and Exhaustion

A fourth hidden danger posed by swimming pool drains is drowning due to fatigue and exhaustion caused by struggling against the force of the suction created when trying to escape an uncovered or broken drain cover. As water rushes past an open drain cover, it will create a powerful vacuum effect which could make it difficult for swimmers who become trapped in it to break free before becoming exhausted from their efforts and eventually succumbing under the pressure of its grip.

Electrical Shock

Finally, another potential hazard posed by poorly, negligently maintained swimming pools is electric shock resulting from faulty wiring within pumps or other electrical components connected directly with drainage systems near submerged surfaces. This includes such things as skimmer boxes present in many residential pools today.

Injuries from Pool Drain Accidents

Pool drain accident injuries can have lasting effects on victims and their loved ones. If a child sits on top of a pool drain, the force of the suction can disembowel him or her. Children can also become stuck at the bottom of a pool if they swim down to touch the drain. Sadly, many swimmers play this game, only to realize the danger involved when it is too late. Individuals who find themselves sucked in by the force of a pool drain may have a near-drowning incident, suffering brain damage as a result if without oxygen for too long. In some cases, if others are unaware of their situation or cannot reach trapped individuals in time, fatalities can occur as a result of pool drain accidents.

Fight for Fair Compensation

Pool drain accidents can be catastrophic. If a loved one survives, families may find themselves facing mounting medical bills and feel they have little recourse. If a family has lost a loved one, the situation can be both devastating and overwhelming. A knowledgeable drowning lawyer from the firm can help individuals understand their case, working with them to establish liability and fighting for the maximum monetary compensation possible. The legal team handles each case with the utmost care and respect while holding the clients best interests in mind.

The Doan Law Firm Attorney Fee Guarantee

The Doan Law Firm makes an attorney fee guarantee to you. The Doan Law Firm will never charge an attorney fee unless we win your aquatic accident case for you. Our aquatic accident lawyer team will fight vigorously for justice, accountability, and the compensation you deserve in your case. Our goal is not only to win for you but to win big!

Don't bear this burden alone - contact a skilled drowning attorney today to get the help you need.

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Dallas, TX 75219
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