Jimmy Doan: Drowning Accident Attorney Profile
You Must Have an Experienced Drowning Accident Lawyer
Jimmy Doan, founder of The Doan Law Firm, personally oversees the drowning accident legal team at our law offices. Jimmy brings a unique skill set and depth of experience to the representation of drowning accidents. Indeed, other lawyers across the United States come to Jimmy when they are in need of an expert witness in drowning accident cases.
Before becoming an attorney and establishing The Doan Law Firm, Jimmy served as a drowning investigator for the Galveston Sheriff's Department for over a decade. Jimmy spent 10 years examining the causes and consequences of drowning accidents. This experience provides our firm with a level of understanding of drowning accidents that is not available with other attorneys and law practices.
In addition to his tenure with the Galveston Sheriff's Department, Jimmy is the President and CEO of Pool Guardians. In this capacity, he provides important consultation in the realm of aquatic consultation, pool management, and lifeguard training nationwide. Annually, he is responsible for personally training over 200 lifeguards in preparation for them being certified by the American Red Cross.
Jimmy is a member of the highly-regarded National Drowning Prevention Alliance. He serves on the Board of Directors of the Texas Drowning Prevention Alliance.
Jimmy brings his significant experience in the realm of drowning accidents to bear for each and every client of our firm. This includes clients from the Atlantic to the Pacific coasts, and from the north and south borders of the nation.
Protect Your Legal Rights in a Drowning Accident Case
Drowning accidents represent the fifth leading cause of unintentional deaths in the United States each year, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. About 10 people in the country die in accidental drowning accidents each day in the country. An average of two of these drowning victims are children under the age of 14.
If you have lost a family member in a drowning accident, you need to understand your legal rights and interests. You need to fully appreciate the importance of retaining the services of a drowning accident lawyer with significant experience in this area of the law.
A major focus of The Doan Law Firm is on providing representation to drowning victims across the United States. A nationwide law firm, the drowning accident lawyer legal team at our firm can be reached by calling (800) 349-0000, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.
Compensation in a Drowning Accident Case
The facts and circumstances surrounding a drowning accident dictate the nature and extent of compensation potentially available. In addition, the laws on the books in a particular state play a role in determining compensation for surviving family members of a drowning accident victim.
With that understood, there are certain injuries, damages, and losses for which you may be entitled to compensation in your case. These include:
- Mental Anguish and Emotional Distress
- Loss of Companionship
- Loss of Consortium
- Loss of Income
- Last Medical Bills
- Funeral Expenses
Depending on the circumstances surrounding a drowning accident, you may also be entitled to what are known as punitive or exemplary damages. Punitive damages represent extra compensation when the conduct of the party responsible for causing a drowning accident is deemed to be particularly reckless. They are awarded in drowning accident lawsuits in some cases.
Punitive damages are designed to do more than provide you with additional financial recovery. They are also intended to serve as a punishment of a particularly egregious party.
During an initial consultation, a drowning accident attorney from our firm will provide you with an evaluation of your case. Contact us today.

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