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Mother Drives Minivan into Hudson, Kills Herself and Three Children


A mother of four young children drove her minivan into the Hudson River, killing herself and three young children.

One of her four children, 10-year-old Lashaun Armstrong, was the only occupant of the car to survive. The youngster pulled himself out of the van's driver-side window, swam to shore and flagged down a passing motorist, Meave Ryan.

Ryan saw a shivering boy by the side of the road yelling and stopped to determine what was wrong. The boy told Ryan that his mother, Lashonda Armstrong, had driven their car into the river. Ryan walked into the water knee-deep, but couldn't see any sign of the vehicle.

The mother moved to the back seat as the car drove forward without anybody at the wheel, at which point, she evidently took all her children cradled in her arms. But Lashaun says he broke free, and swam to shore. All four drowned.

In a tragedy like this one, survivors' questions may be answered by experts in dealing with situations similar to this. The Doan Law Firm P.C. has extensive experience in drowning and water accidents and can assist any family suffering loss or injury. Contact the Doan Law Firm, P.C., led by Houston personal injury attorney Jimmy Doan, at 1 Riverway, Suite 2055, Houston, Texas 77056, (713) 869-4747 or (800) 910-FIRM.