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Hot Tub and Spa Accidents

swimming pool area

Sadly, there are very many tragic accidents that both can and do occur when a spa or a hot tub isn't maintained properly, and there are also some cases where there is a lack of proper supervision that leads to tragic accidents. Hot tubs and spas may be installed within:

  • Apartments
  • Hotels
  • Private Homes
  • Condos

If you or someone that you loved has been seriously injured, or someone that you loved has tragically lost their life, in a hot tub or spa accident, you need to contact a drowning accident lawyer at The Doan Law Firm as soon as possible.

The Doan Law Firm has helped a significant number of families in many different types of water related accident claims to be able to pursue and win justice and compensation for their losses. Furthermore, our firm has a passion for being able to help families that have been impacted traumatically by the injury or loss of a loved one due to an accident that's water related by the negligence of another.

It's critical that you're doing everything that you can in order to supply your family with much needed compensation during this time of need in order to endure through these difficult times. Additionally, bringing forward a drowning personal injury case may also help to prevent others from enduring the same tragedy that you and your family had to go through. Our firm provides you with a free, no obligation initial consultation in order to answer any questions as well as go through all of the merits of your case and provide the best path forward.

After taking your case we take it on a contingency fee basis. This means that you don't have to worry about any legal fees and we only take a small percentage of whatever settlement or verdict we win on your behalf and only after obtaining a successful outcome on your drowning case. If we fail to obtain a successful outcome on your case you'll never owe us a dime.

Hot Tub Drowning Accident Lawyer

In some cases of spa and hot tub accidents where there are elderly people involved with fatalities or injuries due to defects in equipment, these deaths could have been avoidable. There are, in fact, a large majority of hot tub accidents that could have been avoided if only supervision had been available. It's actually required in many instances and not having supervision available is actually an act of negligence. This is something that's especially the case in instances involving both seniors and children.

If a victim is lucky enough to survive their hot tub or spa accident, it's actually survival with serious brain damage which is actually not that lucky. Damage to the brain is both expensive and difficult to be able to treat. Rehabilitation is something that lasts a lifetime even when the rehabilitation itself can end in some instances as a person never fully recovers from a brain injury. Often time's individuals may never be able to return to their former lives and condition pre accident. In fact, individuals can lose their ability to walk, their mental faculties and even the ability to use their body. In any of these instances and more our firm will fight for your rights and for fair and full compensation to provide for current and future medical bills along with other damages.

Contact a Houston Drowning Accident Lawyer at The Doan Law Firm

If you move forward with a claim you can not only recover compensation for the losses that you've incurred and the compensation that you'll need moving forward, but you can also help to prevent further deaths and accidents through sending a message that negligence isn't an acceptable act. If your loved one has be injured or lost their life in a spa or hot tub accident contact a drowning personal injury lawyer at The Doan Law Firm anytime 24/7/365, no matter the time of day or holiday at (800) 284-5883. We look forward to helping you soon.