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Overcrowded Swimming Pools and Pool Accident Claims


Overcrowded Swimming Pools: How an Experienced Lawyer Can Help

There's an increased chance of accidental drowning occurring anytime someone is swimming in an overcrowded swimming pool. The lifeguards and the operators of the pool have a responsibility to ensure that the numbers swimming in the pool don't exceed the limits set legally.

If you or a loved one has been injured in an overcrowded swimming pool or a loved one has died in an accidental drowning that was the result of an overcrowded swimming pool accident, then you have rights and should contact The Doan Law Firm immediately. The lawyers at The Doan Law Firm will be able to help you with the filing of a lawsuit to recover the compensation that you are entitled to under the law for your unacceptable loss.

Risks of an Overcrowded Swimming Pool

There is a lot of risk presented to swimmers whenever they're swimming in an overcrowded pool. The reason for this is that it hinders both lifeguards' and parents' ability to supervise their children/people that are swimming in the pool. When coming into contact with other swimmers, there are always risks for injury, including being underwater and not having the ability to reach the surface.

That is an especially high risk for children that are swimming in an overcrowded pool. Both drowning and near-drowning accidents that occur in pools that are overcrowded can result in either death as mentioned or severe brain damage which is permanent should the drowning accident victim survive, due to the prolonged period of going without oxygen.

How an Experienced Drowning Lawyer Can Help You Seek Justice

A good attorney can:

  • Protect the legal rights of adults and children and all innocent people who are suffering from the loss of someone or serious injuries from drowning or near-drowning.
  • Represent all of the victims and their families fighting for justice and compensation for everyone.
  • Provide free, no-obligation initial consultation.
  • Discuss the merits of your case and the next step to take. You'll want someone who has experience in handling these cases and knows the regulations surrounding the number of people allowed in public pools.
  • Take cases on a contingency fee basis. This means that you pay no upfront fees, nor any fees throughout the duration of your case.

The Doan Law Firm meets these criteria.

Contact a Drowning Lawyer at The Doan Law Firm

Contacting an overcrowded swimming pool lawyer at The Doan Law Firm is vital anytime you're planning on filing a lawsuit/claim to recover damages for the wrongful death or injuries your loved one has suffered. Brain damages can lead to pain and suffering and a lifetime of disability.

If you've lost your loved one in an accidental drowning due to an overcrowded swimming pool, your loss is unimaginable. It can lead to severe emotional anguish intensified by the fact that if regulations had been followed, the loss wouldn't have taken place.

The Doan Law Firm has the compassion and the experience to help you recover compensation for your loss and to pursue justice against all of the parties responsible for the loss or injury to your loved one. We have the goal of increasing pool safety everywhere.

We are:

  • Effective
  • Compassionate
  • Professional

Contact a lawyer at our firm anytime 24/7/365 no matter the time of day or holiday at (800) 284-5983. We look forward to helping you pursue justice soon.