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Negligent Lifeguards and Drowning Accidents


No matter where your child is swimming, public beach, a city pool and so on, lifeguards are in charge and trusted to protect the safety of children whether they're in or close to water. Lifeguards are professionals who are highly trained in many instances. In less fortunate instances, however, children have been devastatingly injured or lost due to lifeguards that are careless or negligent.

If you have a child who has been injured or died in a drowning accident it's imperative that you seek immediate legal counsel from a drowning accident personal injury lawyer from The Doan Law Firm. There could be negligence on behalf of the facility or negligence on behalf of the lifeguard as well. the reason why you want to contact our law firm immediately even though you're going through so much is that there could be key evidence that affects your claim that'll become much more difficult to utilize the longer you delay. It's likely that you've accumulated a lot of medical bills as a result of the drowning accident and it's critical that you're doing everything that's possible to help your child and to recover the compensation that you not only deserve but are legally entitled to.

If your child has been in a drowning accident call the drowning accident personal injury lawyers at The Doan Law Firm today for your free no obligation initial consultation. In your initial consultation we'll discuss the merits of your case, as well as the best path forward. After taking your case, we do so contingently. A contingency fee means that you pay no money upfront or during the duration of your entire case. You only pay a small percentage of whatever settlement or verdict we obtain on your behalf upon successful resolution of your drowning accident case. There's no fee unless we win. If we fail to obtain a successful outcome on your drowning accident case you'll never owe us a dime.

Negligent Lifeguards and Pool Accidents

When lifeguards aren't doing their jobs or are otherwise distracted and drowning accidents occur while they're on watch, this is something that can be deemed to be negligence under the law. Whenever a lifeguard has neglected their duties a tragedy can occur.

When a lifeguard misses a child in distress, it can result in serious injuries or even death to the child. It's essential to gather witness statements that are able to support the facts that the lifeguard was negligent in their duties of protecting swimmers from any harm, no matter whether it's a waterpark, motel pool, public beach, public pool or any other water or swimming environment.

Contact a Drowning Lawyer at The Doan Law Firm

The Doan Law Firm has helped many families with their drowning accident cases. Our firm and our drowning accident personal injury lawyers are extremely passionate about making all swimming environments safer for all children and help families that have had a child injured or die as a result of a drowning accident receive justice. Hiring a specialized law firm will help you increase your chances of receiving full and fair compensation you're entitled to as well as hold the parities accountable and potentially save the lives of other children. Call today for your free consultation 24/7/365 no matter the time of day or holiday at (800) 284-5983. We look forward to helping you soon.
