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Louisiana Prosecuting Attorney Flees Scene of Boat Accident that Injured Three Children


Three children were enjoying an afternoon tubing on False River near New Roads, Louisiana. The kids on the tube were being towed by a boat. What was intended to be a pleasant excursion turned into a nightmare for the children. A boat driven by a man named Chris Richard collided into the tube with the three children at a high rate of speed.

Immediately after colliding with the tube containing the three children, Richard fled from the scene in his boat at a high rate of speed. He made no attempt to stop and check on the welfare of the trio of children he crashed into with his boat.

Children Hospitalized

Two of the three children riding on the tube were taken to an area hospital. One of those children was airlifted by AirMed. The other child was checked at the scene. If the third child suffered any injuries, they evidently were minor and did not require hospitalization. The names of none of the children have been released by officials.

In regard to the two children that were taken the hospital, specifics regarding their injuries were not provided to the media or to the public. The two children have been released from the hospital.

Hit and Run Boat Accident Caused by Louisiana Attorney

Not only did the man who caused the boat accident flee the scene, Chris Richard is a Louisiana lawyer. He currently has a private practice. Previously, Richard evidently served as a prosecuting attorney. Richard has been an attorney for 32 years. He evidently has no disciplinary record regarding his work as an attorney or as a result of anything else.

Witnesses Describe Louisiana Boating Accident

One witness what has his camp along the banks of the False River at the time of the accident. He saw Attorney Chris Richard flee the scene. The witness, Jeff Guidry, described the aftermath of the boating accident. “The boat never even stopped. They (Chris Richard) full throttled, never checked on the kids.”

The witness went on to further add that the Richard rapidly docked his boat and jumped off the vessel. Guidry described the way Richard left the area like “they all jumped off the boat like they were going to the bathroom and hauled a** out of here.”

No Arrest of Attorney that Plowed into Children on False River

A week after the accident that sent children to the hospital, the attorney that caused the boating accident remains free and has not been subject to arrest. The fact that there had been no arrest of the lawyer that caused the accident has raised a good deal of protest in the area.

Another lawyer, named Tara Elwell, has a camp at the riverside as well. Elwell remarked on appears to be lack of progress in investigating the accident and the failure to charge or arrest Richard, ““I have no idea how this guy is not in jail It blows my mind,” Elwell said. “It surprised me that a fellow attorney could bail on a situation. We are supposed to be officers of the court and do good by people. To leave children knowing they are hurt. I can't understand it.” Attorney Elwell stressed that the lack of compassion for the injured children “was bad enough.” She said the lack of an arrest by those charged with investigating the accident “was even worse.”

Your Legal Rights After a Boat Accident

If you or a loved one have been injured in a boating accident cost by someone else, including in a hit and run situation, the legal team at The Doan Law Firm is here to fight for your rights and for justice in your case. You can schedule an initial consultation with a Doan Law Firm boating accident lawyer any time by calling us at (800) 349-0000.

We can schedule an initial consultation with a boating accident attorney at any one of our 40 offices located across the country. We can also arrange a virtual appointment online as well. There is never a fee charged for an initial appointment and case evaluation with a boating accident lawyer with the Doan firm.

The Doan Law Firm has an attorney fee guarantee. Our firm never charges an attorney fee unless we win your case for you.